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Prepare to LEAP

Browse out top courses and learn what best

suits you with Leap Training Centre!

We provide training on the following categories

CPD Credits

English-proficiency exams

English lessons to foreign learners



Choose your course and sign up now to begin your LEAP to excellence!

Who we are

In today’s dynamic world, we must constantly be in pursuit of new knowledge and skills in order to ensure our success. LEAP Training Center is a top Training Program that provides just that. Our highly skilled instructors employ their extensive professional expertise to teach winning strategies that put students on the fast track to proficiency.

Apply Now

Are you ready to take your skills and knowledge to the next level? Our wide range of training programs offers you the perfect opportunity to supercharge your career and achieve your goals. Whether you're looking to enhance your professional skills, explore a new field, or simply invest in personal growth, we have something for everyone.

Join our Training Program

Training Center

Only the best

We understand that every individual is unique, and so are their learning needs. That's why we've introduced Personalized Learning Plans – a game-changer for our visitors, customers, and clients. With our Personalized Learning Plans, you're not just a student; you're a unique learner with distinct aspirations and dreams. Join us, and let us empower you to learn, grow, and achieve in the way that suits you best. Your success story begins with a plan designed just for you.

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